Here’s to you, rugged airline passengers
One of the defining differences between the American political right and left is their argument over rugged individualism vs. dependence upon government. When people depend on themselves they thrive...
View ArticleFor MSM, the devil’s in the details of Robertson’s Haiti remark
Last week political correctness tried to kill history. No one from the media tried to stop the murder. Instead, most media outlets became willing accomplices to the crime.
View ArticleStop calling people retarded, you idiot moron
Insults in political discourse have been part of American culture at least since Mark Twain wrote: “Reader, suppose you were an idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.”
View ArticleMSM hot to pin the tail on the jackass
We know nothing of the Hutaree militia's political leanings. Why are they being pinned as right-wing?
View ArticleChuck Schumer an Arizona Republican?
If a conservative proposes an immigration policy, it’s racist. If a liberal proposes the same policy, it’s not.
View ArticleTerrorist classifieds: ‘Wanted – competent triggerman’
Of course while I point my finger and ridicule their ineptness, I also thank God for it. And then I realize how close they are.
View ArticleFreedom of Association lost on Paul critics
All Rand Paul needs to do to push back on his liberal critics is explain to them the Freedom of Association clause in the First Amendment
View ArticleStephen Hawking jumps the shark
Why Hawking's attempt to prove that God doesn't exist falls short.
View ArticleWho’s the bigger jerk, Jon Stewart or CNN?
Jon Stewart is the bigger jerk by far. CNN is the smaller jerk.
View ArticleThe birther movement is President Obama’s fault
Obama could dispel the rumors once and for all by showing his birth certificate to the world.
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